Is my diet soda making me fat?
Diet soda. It’s the favourite drink of many, a way of reducing calories, a sweet, sweet miracle that doesn’t add to your hips. Or is

I eat healthy so why I aren’t I losing weight?
There are many factors that can explain this. You are in fact not eating healthily; you just think you are You are eating too much

How much should I eat?
You may have grown up being told to eat everything on your plate, and to eat till full. It has trained us to think that

What should I eat?
With all the noise out there from influencers (personal trainers, weight loss drug pushers, dieticians, nutricians etc) on social media, it can be hard to

How often should I weigh in?
The usual answer I hear to this question is that should weigh in no more than once a week. When I first started researching this

Deprivation mindset
One example of a mindset that hinders our progress is that we are going without or depriving ourselves. This kind of operating model in life

What might I discover with INSIGHT?
You may think that you simply do or do not take action on things you feel are important to you. What you may not be

I’m motivated so why can’t I commit?
I’m sure you’ve been there, I have. You decided this time is it. You know what you have to d0 – diet and exercise, and