The problems with the body positive movement

Body positivity in and of itself is a good concept. The idea that we shouldn’t care about societal and media beauty standards and that being big doesn’t make you ugly, are all valid points. But there are some big issues with the movement itself and what it advocates for. The movement itself is exclusive, bullying […]

June update – What an incredible 6 months!

I’m going to try to keep this as brief as possible as each item is really it’s own blog post. My year has been… interesting! In December my biggest concerns were being fit enough to move home and complete my second unit of my counselling degree. Then it was time for a well-earned break. Just […]

September 2023 update

I’m a little late with this update, but I have met my first weight loss goal as of last week. 10kg down in under 5 months. I’ve lost another kilo since then also. That’s also 2 jean sizes down, and I’m now at a healthy BMI. What I’ve noticed: It gets easier a plateau never […]

What I eat

So often when someone says they are vegan or plant based, inevitably they get asked: “What in the world do you eat? so here I’m going to tell you what I eat on my (mostly) whole foods plant based diet.  My diet contains minimal added sugars, reduced oil, I average a 50/50 diet of 50% […]

Fad diets

You’ve seen them, and you and/or your subconscious know how to identify them. The key thing about these diets is they are unsustainable, and often sound too good to be true. These diets generally result in the yo-yo diet experience. You lose weight on them in most cases but then people inevitably put that weight […]


Sleep can not be underestimated for its affect on the body. Good sleep is an amazing emotional and physical support to the body. Sleep helps the brain process the emotions of your day. Those who get ‘good’ sleep also are less likely to suffer from depression. When we are well-rested we have more energy to […]

9 weeks

At 9 weeks in I feel a little bit stalled at times.

Not losing weight is frustrating despite trying to stay focused on the bigger picture of the fitness goals.

Defining Progress

When assessing progress, there are many more important metrics to measure than weight loss and probably some societal expectations to get over.

7 weeks in

Just a little update.  Here is how I have been able to increase my intensity minutes over the past 7 weeks. Intensity minutes are measure by increase in heart rate. Increasing your heart rate can improve cardiovascular health and aid in fat loss. My Gramin watch likes to tell me I need 150 minutes per […]

Nintendo Wii: Fitness tools series

The beginning of my ‘start small’ program was simply to embrace the ‘just move somehow’ philosophy.  While I was working on some of the vulnerable areas ie. hips and knees, I needed something that would help develop stability and get me moving. The answer for me was the Nintendo Wii and the Wii fit kit.  […]