Is my diet soda making me fat?

Diet soda. It’s the favourite drink of many, a way of reducing calories, a sweet, sweet miracle that doesn’t add to your hips. Or is it? I’ve been meaning to write this post for a while now. But the truth is that replacing sugar with non-nutritive sweeteners (NNS) may not actually result in weight loss. […]
I eat healthy so why I aren’t I losing weight?

There are many factors that can explain this. You are in fact not eating healthily; you just think you are You are eating too much You may be secret eating and not be aware (or maybe in denial) You are still suffering from metabolic issues caused by your previous diet I have talked with many […]
How much should I eat?

You may have grown up being told to eat everything on your plate, and to eat till full. It has trained us to think that our body is still hungry even if, technically, we have received all that we need (plus some). There may have been a sense of achievement in being so stuffed to […]
What should I eat?

With all the noise out there from influencers (personal trainers, weight loss drug pushers, dieticians, nutricians etc) on social media, it can be hard to know what are healthy choices and which are fads or paid promotions. The truth is that there isn’t money to be made off what is truly healthy because it isn’t […]
Deprivation mindset

One example of a mindset that hinders our progress is that we are going without or depriving ourselves. This kind of operating model in life leaves us feeling disappointed, and often ideas of fairness (it’s not fair) become persistent. So you’re trying to lose weight, but your deprivation mindset tells you it is horrible, and […]
The problems with the body positive movement

Body positivity in and of itself is a good concept. The idea that we shouldn’t care about societal and media beauty standards and that being big doesn’t make you ugly, are all valid points. But there are some big issues with the movement itself and what it advocates for. The movement itself is exclusive, bullying […]
September 2023 update

I’m a little late with this update, but I have met my first weight loss goal as of last week. 10kg down in under 5 months. I’ve lost another kilo since then also. That’s also 2 jean sizes down, and I’m now at a healthy BMI. What I’ve noticed: It gets easier a plateau never […]
What I eat

So often when someone says they are vegan or plant based, inevitably they get asked: “What in the world do you eat? so here I’m going to tell you what I eat on my (mostly) whole foods plant based diet. My diet contains minimal added sugars, reduced oil, I average a 50/50 diet of 50% […]
There is a middle ground of consensus on diet

Previously I mentioned that food choices are a highly volatile subject. You’ve got so many different diets being marketed at you, how do you know which are healthy and which are hype? It’s not easy and so many people are ultra passionate about their diet of choice. Many people are also making money off pushing […]
What is a healthy diet?

And why do we struggle with this question? There is a lot to unpack with this question, believe it or not. Firstly, while some people may think the answer is simple, the reality is far from it. What people actually think is healthy, is invariably skewed by their background, experience and bias. We are very […]